Deadline: May 1
Dr. Noel Matkin was a leader and mentor in the field of pediatric audiology advancing it to new heights. He was an active member in EAA and a recipient of the Fred Berg award. The Awards and Nominations Committee accepts applications for the Noel D. Matkin Awards with a May 1 deadline each year. In a continuing effort to support educational audiologists, EAA will fund small grants in areas related to audiology services in educational settings. The awards are available to practitioners and students who are members of EAA for both research and non-research based projects. All EAA members are encouraged to submit proposals for these awards. Grant monies are awarded up to $2,000.00.
Guidelines for Preparation of Proposals
General Instructions:
Proposals should be typed, double spaced and should include the following information in the order indicated. Please include section headings in your proposal and number pages. Applicants should carefully follow page limits indicated. Additional attachments (appendices) should be kept to a minimum.
Submit your online application by May 1, or submit your application in a PDF file to [email protected].
Application (complete all sections)
Abstract (Limit to 150 words)
Concisely describe the project’s specific aims, methodology and long-term objectives. Address the relation of the project to clinical practice and its potential impact on the field of educational audiology.
Project Plan (Limit to 5 pages)
- Specific Objectives: present the problem or issue to be addressed and the specific objectives of the project.
- Methods and Procedures: provide a description of the project design, including subjects, personnel, measurement techniques, instrumentation, data analysis and evaluation procedures. This section should provide sufficient detail for reviewers to be able to make informed judgments about the soundness of the proposed project procedures.
- Facilities and Resources: describe the facilities, resources, and personnel available to the applicant for carrying out the proposed project (e.g., clients, subjects, teachers, professionals) available to the applicant for carrying out the proposed project.
Management and Budget Plan (Limit to 2 pages)
Plan should include outline of project activities and timelines as well as justification of budget items. If funds are requested for travel to an EAA Conference to present project results, this information should be included.
Human Subjects (Limit to 3 pages)
The applicant should submit evidence that the proposal meets the requirements for adequate protection of human subjects by attaching a statement of support from an internal Human Subjects for Research Projects Review Committee or a copy of submission forms. Funds will not be released until final approval documents from the applicant’s facility have been received. Also acceptable is a statement outlining the elements of the design and procedures that fulfill accepted practices recognized as providing adequate protection to human subjects.
Biographical Sketches (Limit to 100 words per researcher)
Include a brief biographical sketch on each researcher. Each sketch should include educational and professional background.
Letter of Support
Submit a letter from your academic advisor, research mentor or program director indicating that the proposed project will not present a conflict of interest with your current responsibilities and commitments and commenting on the merits of the proposed project.
Judgment Criteria
A review of applications will be performed by a review panel using the following weighted evaluation criteria (Total points possible = 100):
- Specific Objectives: 10 points
Clearly stated project objectives - Significance of Project: 25 points
Significance of the research or creative endeavor and its potential impact on the clinical needs relevant to audiological services in educational settings. - Methods and Procedures: 35 points
Adequacy of the project design in relation to the proposed goals. Attention will also be paid to the choice of any references cited and their relevance to the project. - Management Plan and Budget: 15 points
Adequacy of the management plan and of budget in relation to proposed work. Budget items should be well justified. - Facilities: 5 points
Adequacy of facilities and resources to the project in order to carry out the proposed investigation or project development. /li> - Key Personnel: 10 points
An indication of the qualifications, including professional experience of project directors and support personnel, necessary to carry out project.
The review panel will submit their recommendation for grant funding to the Executive Committee for a final decision. Following the final decision, the applicant will be notified by letter from the President of EAA with an accompanying letter from the Chair of the Research and Creative Endeavors Committee.
Grant recipients are required to submit a report of their project to the EAA one year after the award date. In addition, awardees are to submit the results of the project either to the Program Committee of an upcoming EAA meeting or to the Educational Audiology Review (EAR). Any publication of material from a project funded by an EAA grant must acknowledge the Educational Audiology Association.