Journal of Educational, Pediatric & (Re)Habilitative Audiology
A Publication of the Educational Audiology Association
Guidelines for Authors Submitting Manuscripts – 2023-2024The Journal of Educational, Pediatric and (Re)Habilitative Audiology (JEPRA) is now soliciting manuscripts for the 2023-2024 issue (Volume 26). All manuscript submissions will be peer-reviewed and blind. Rolling manuscript submissions will be accepted throughout 2023-2024, and if accepted, the article will be formatted and immediately posted to the journal website. This is your chance to get your important educational, pediatric and (re)habilitative research published in a timely and efficient manner!
Format: All manuscripts must follow the style specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). Authors should pay special attention to APA style for tables, figures and references. Any manuscript not following the 7th edition format will not be reviewed.
Cover Letter: A cover letter should accompany all submissions. The cover letter should contain a statement that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently submitted elsewhere. If IRB approval was needed by the sponsoring institution, a statement to that effect should also be included.
Author Information Page: The author information page should include the title of the article, complete authors’ names and authors’ affiliations. This page should include a business address, phone number and email address for the corresponding author.
Title Page: This page should contain only the title of the article. No other identifying information should be present.
Abstract: The second manuscript page (behind the title page) should contain an abstract not to exceed 250 words.
Text: The text of the manuscript should begin on Page 3. The manuscript text should include page and line numbers.
Tables, Figures and Other Graphics: Tables, figures and other graphics should be attached on separate pages, and their placement within the manuscript noted (e.g., <Table 1 here>). These separate pages should appear after the text and before the acknowledgements.
Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements should appear on a separate page after the tables, figures and graphs and before the references.
References: All references should follow APA manual guidelines, as noted above. References are to be listed alphabetically, then chronologically. Journal names should be spelled out and italicized, along with volume number. Authors should consult the APA style manual (7th ed.) for the specifics on citing references within the text, as well as in the reference list. All citations in the text need to be listed in the References.
Blind Review: All manuscripts will be sent out for blind review. If you have questions about this, please contact the Editor ([email protected]).
Submission of Manuscripts: Submissions of manuscripts via e-mail to the Editor, Benjamin Kirby ([email protected]) are required. Microsoft Word-compatible documents and graphics are preferred. Questions or comments should be directed to the Editor ([email protected]) or one of the Associate Editors: Lakshmi Kumar ([email protected]), Ryan McCreery ([email protected]) or Kelsey Klein ([email protected]).